I know that 13 years later, you are fully aware that time does not heal all things. No, my sweet children, there are no cliché sayings that will make this wrong right. Though I have not met you, my heart aches for you. My hope, my hope my sweet children is that you feel loved by our entire Nation and beyond– because you are. While this love could never replace or compare to the love your mother or father held for you, know that you are not just thought of on the anniversary of 9/11. There is a spot for you tucked away in this mother’s heart.
On the anniversary of 9/11, when #wewillneverforget is common place among media platforms, I know this much…what is a day of remembrance for us, is a daily occurrence for you. I’m not going to even pretend to know how you feel. I can’t imagine the tears you have shed, the questions that have gone unanswered, the wishes unfulfilled and thoughts of “what could have been?”
Some of you may have never even met your mother or father. Some of you were babies when your parents were taken from you and are now teenagers. Some of you are off to college, married and perhaps have families of your own. Some of you may have been driven to choose a career based off of what happened on 9/11. Some of you may have felt compelled to finish your parent or guardian’s work here on earth. While some of you may have been resilient and found a path that offers happiness, I know that some of you may continue to wrestle with pain and depression.
Just as the moon and stars come in cycles, so does grief. Yes, even 13 years later (said from someone who lost her mother when she was 17, over 20 years ago). With time, we learn to cope better. With time we are able to rebuild and gain strength from others, even when we have to focus just on moving one-foot-in-front-of-the-other.
So today, I’m not going to share with you the details about “where I was” or “what I was doing” on 9/11. Those details are insignificant and not sensitive to the loss you have had to carry through the years. It’s not about me. Dear sweet children of 9/1l, today is a day that we as a nation reflect and embrace you. You are not alone. We stand with you.
You too are not forgotten. xo