We decorated eggs, Daddy hide eggs on the front lawn early in the morning, and the boys opened baskets filled with Regina’s candy in St Paul. This old-fashioned candy shoppe is only a few blocks away from my school. We love to support small, local businesses when possible. It’s a great store, filled with some of the richest stuff on earth…
The boys spent the morning playing in the back yard in their sand-box. Oh, how great it is being able to utilize the back yard again! We do love our private lot…we’re so fortunate that we were able to select a lot that doesn’t back up to another backyard. It really does create a beautiful backyard experience. And…I am looking forward to many more experiences in our backyard ahead as it appears Spring IS finally here! Yes, we made it through another winter.
Though times were very busy this month and I didn’t get Easter/Spring cards out, it doesn’t mean that we didn’t think of you! I’m learning with being a Mom, wife, business owner and student that I must prioritize. Though I wish there are more hours in a day- there just are not. I’m also making a conscious decision to “de-stress” my days. Sometimes, though I love to do things for others and send out cards, it can create a lot of added pressure and stress on me when I’m attempting to juggle a million other things. I know that most people in my life fully understand, and would rather see my happy and healthy instead of receiving a card. I’m lucky to have your understanding… And, this means, you’ll never know when you will get a card in the mail! ::::Slow down, calm down, trust the process…be peaceful. That’s where I’m at right now.
Happy Easter!