Though I’ve only technically gone apple picking since moving to Minnesota, I can tell you that I look forward to this annual Autumn tradition and simply can’t imagine an Autumn without it! There is something wonderful about eating an apple the way it was intended to be enjoyed: spots and all, minus the wax, juicy, crisp goodness. This was Tiger’s first year picking his own apples. While Nishad’s philosophy is all about getting to work and filling the bags, Tiger differs. Tiger is more of a…well, pick-a-little, sample even a-little-more! Apple Jack’s in Delano, Minnesota never disappoints. This is our 2nd year visiting…who knows, we may even attempt raspberry picking next year. Prior to Apple Jack’s, we visited a few places in Buffalo. We came home and made a pie crust from scratch and baked an apple pie- of, course! Nishad peeled all the apples and rolled out the dough…my little chef. Tiger happily sampled more apples. Thank you, Minnesota Apple Orchards!

No trip is complete without a ride on the cow train.