We decked out Nishad’s little bike in red, white and blue and headed to the park for National Night Out! This was the 3rd Annual National Night Out that our neighborhood has had. We have two great neighbors that continue to organize and coordinate the event. We’re so lucky to have the neighbors we do. I designed the neighborhood flyer (good practice for my business and builds my portfolio!). A week earlier a bunch of us set out to paint the town in flyers– well, our subdivision at least!
There was an amazing turn-out this year. Hard to believe it started from being hosted in a garage with a hand full of neighbors. It was great to see people that we’ve not seen in a while and meet new neighbors.
NNO started with a kiddie parade. What a hoot! It was a hit! It ended with the park sprinkler system going off too! How’s that for an ending? Then I ran the crawl, hop and run races. The babies were too cute! The sat there a bit confused and then suddenly one little one took off! Arun was happy hangin‘ out with Vada on the grass, until they both realized they were on grass. Then they were all about being picked up! Next up was the toddler “hopping” race. All hopped well. Nishad was practicing today- my little Honey-Bunny! His friend Jaxson was there too (Vada’s brother). As a matter of fact, when we were walking up to the park we could here Jaxson yell “MOM! Nishad is coming!” That instantly put a familiar smile on Nishad’s face. We just love Jaxson’s spirit and enthusiasm! After I made the kids run around to a tree and them tossed candy in the air. It’s raining C-A-N-D-Y! I have to say, they were ALL so polite and well-mannered. I heard so many thank yous! Great kids. Next came the water balloon toss, which was a hit too! It seemed to be more of a splash pad at the park though! Pop, pop, pop!! I think the kids enjoyed getting wet the best! Last, but not least by any means, was the ever so popular fire-truck and Sheriff visit! Nishad takes on a different persona when he thinks he becomes a “fireman.” He even grins differently! He was so happy and excited to see real fireman and fire-trucks.