This year Ashish was sick, so we missed his company as we strolled up and down Grand Ave. trick or treating, marveling at every one’s costumes and being frequently stopped by passer-by’s exclaiming how “ADORABLE” the boys are and what unique costumes. This happened so frequently that I think it started to go to Tiger’s head. it wasn’t before long that he started saying, “I’m cute! I’m cute!” A few people even stopped to compliment me about the choice of costume. They mentioned how refreshing it was to see boys in original costumes that weren’t character/commercial costumes like Scooby-Do, Harry Potter and Spider Man. This was Nishad’s first year ever trick or treating (minus the Not-So-Scary Halloween Party we attended at Walt Disney World last year at this time). So, he walked up to the first station, and though “Great, I have a sucker now…I’m all done.” haha.. Then he caught on. He even went in a few places all by himself.
Of course, the boys amazingly talented and loving Auntie Kelly was the one that created these costumes for the boys! She can add this to her list of achievements like the NYC Metropolitan Opera House and Shakespeare Theatre Chicago (where she is currently employed– plug, plug!). All the credit goes to her as the boys dream of being penguins would not have been possible without her. She took the head accessory back to Chicago to work on them, so I had to improvise by making little caps. So, if it that part of the costume looks odd, it’s my fault, not hers! 🙂
At 3PM, we went to the Stepping Stone Theatre off Grand Ave. to see Hanuman and the Girl Princess. I wasn’t sure how Tiger would do as this was his first theatre performance. He did great! I don’t know what I was worried about. He sat there so attentive and when the monkey came out he looked at me and said, “BUNDER!” (which is monkey in Hindi). Have I mentioned how I love St. Paul?
Funny story…we actually walked in through the backstage door. Heh. A man, who worked for the company was so sweet…so he showed us through to the theatre and directed us to the lobby doors. He said, “They haven’t opened the doors yet, so just go right through and you’ll see everyone in the lobby waiting in line.” Boy did we ever! I opened the door to an eager crowd that suddenly said, “PENGUINS!” hahaha. Talk about a grand arrival! That’s right…the Kumar’s are AT the theatre!