Tiger simply LOVES life. He truly lives in the moment and lives it to it’s fullest. We are learning from him, and slowly putting into practice his way of life. Often we allow obstacles to keep us from savoring the moments as we just become too busy. This is changing though- partly because of Tiger’s daily reminders by the way he lives his life. WE want to live with the amount of wonder and joy that he holds in his heart for every day happenings! This means that while we love our friends, we simply can not see them regularly. With school taking so much of my time, our “family time” is limited. When we do occasionally get a free day, we NEED to soak it up with the kids. We are at our best when we can simply enjoy each others company. Thank you, Tiger, for guiding us along the way!
Tiger designed and created his own birthday cake with a detailed description of how it should look. Ashish and I went to his school (he’s now officially in pre-school as ‘graduated’ from the Toddler Community last Spring) and celebrated his milestone with his friends. He adores his teacher and the assistant. He often tells us how he LOVES his school! He’s working on sounds now and is itching to read like his big brother– all in time. He made mini-pizzas for his entire classroom for his birthday. He was thrilled to go shopping for all the ingredients knowing he would be baking up a storm in the class. For his birthday gift to his classroom, he picked out “Hungry Planet.” This is an great book that I think they’ll be able to incorporate into their classroom geography section.

Tiger is SO annimated! It doesn’t matter if you give him a gift, a hug or show him a grain of rice- He reacts with such delight! He picked to eat dinner at Space Ailiens. He was fine until the aileen made an appearance– it IS rather scary looking in a freakish way. Of course he polished off his cheese pizza with a birthday sundae after playing in the game room.