We are out and about supporting local businesses in Otsego at the 1st annual JamFest in Otsego, while Ashish is serving up some brats/dawgs at the local Cub Food (proceeds go to Compass Academy)! Contrary to what some people have asked me, JamFest has nothing to do about jam. 🙂 Perhaps, it is an assumption because we’re in the northwest suburbs…and it still is pretty urban here? Yes, we have a dairy farm 2 blocks away from us and drive past corn fields to and fro on a daily basis, but we have all the comforts of home– really! We also reside in the 8th largest school district in Minnesota. None the less, JamFest, is not about Jam. So, clear your mind of any images you may get of canning with friendly strangers, or Lucy and Ethel rolling up their pants, stomping on grapes in a big barrel.
The Otsego JamFest was sponsored by three businesses in Otsego: Target, Rockwood’s and Denny’s. We went and had lunch at Denny’s and then meandered through the car-show, hosted by Otsego Custom Rod and Custom, checked out the firetrucks, bouncers, pony’s and zoo. There are bands scheduled all day (from noon to midnight!). This was such an organized event, that made a Mom with two in tow, pretty stress free. I do hope it becomes an annual thing.
For the record, I do love jam! Especially, raspberry!